If your thinking of getting a website then you will need to consider what pages you need that will promote your business. When researching websites you’ve probably found similarities throughout the websites and seen the same pages crop up time and again. But why are people choosing similar pages for their website? This is because they are the essential pages for a website. We’ve picked what we think are the 5 pages you should definitely have on a website and discuss why they are needed for your small business.
Home Page
Yep, we are starting with the obvious. You need a home page. But what needs to be on a home page? That’s a big subject which is why we have created “The whole point of a home page and what you should have on it”. But to break it down quickly, here is what you need on a home page?
- Logo/Branding
- Navigation
- Call to Action
- Brief Introduction
- Services/Products
- Testimonials
- Footer
About Us
The about us, about me or about the company is required to show the credibility of the business.
The about page gives you the opportunity to brag about your business, show off awards and certifications, talk about your staff. You can literally go nuts on this page about you and your business.
To be honest, although this is a must-have page, it’s becoming less important. From our experience, it is the second-lowest viewed page on any business website (after the contact us page). Why? Because people are less interested in who you are and more concerned about the prices of your service.
Again, this is an obvious page to have. If you have time and can afford it it is worth splitting your services/products on to separate pages. This will help enhance your SEO. However, only having one or two products to promote, then one page will provide you with enough opportunity to show off your services. Let people know what you have to offer and let them know why they should choose you for that particular product or service.
FAQ Page
This is a page you really want. It will help to improve being found and to enhance your SEO. Why? Because over 50% of searches are expected to be done by voice rather than typing into a search engine (e.g. Speaking to google, Siri or Alexa). We think this is so important that we have done The Ultimate Frequently Asked Questions about an FAQ page.
Contact Us
The final page is again obvious. The contact page. It is where you put all your contact details for people to contact you. It’s even worth putting on a contact form so people don’t need to be redirected to their own email address to send you a message.
It should contain:-
- Contact information – who, e.g. sales team, customer service, John, etc
- Telephone Number/s – Landline or Mobile or both.
- Email – If it’s a professional email (e.g info@businessname.co.uk) then you should put it on. If not (e.g. godiamsowitty69@gmail.com) then use a contact form only. You may even want to leave off your email altogether and just use a contact form to reduce chances of spam.
- Social Media – Encourage follows and likes by putting links to all your social media accounts.
- Address – If you have a shop or office then share your address. If you work from home then don’t.
- Google Map – Mixed opinions on this one. If you have a google my business setup then it could be worth it for people to reach your reviews quicker. Otherwise, it can look a bit out of place and will not provide the customer with that much benefit.
- Opening times – Let people know when they can contact you or when your shop/business is open.
You may be aware that we said that this is one of the lowest viewed pages on your site. This is because you should make it a habit to have your contact details and the above information at the footer of all your pages. This saves people going to the contact page. However, it still remains important as some people will go straight to this page to find your contact details.
Other Considerations
There are still other potential pages you could have, but we’ll explain when you might want to use them.

These are important but do they need a full page? We know we have a review page but we have become more inclined to not have a review page. The reason is that if you are not linking to original testimonials then they provide you with no credibility or trustworthiness at all. Write one on your home page, then link to your google my business reviews, Facebook recommendations or review site like Trustpilot or Trip Advisor. In fact, you can even get code snippets off some review sites to put on your website.

If you have projects you want to show off then this is a must. It’s also beneficial to hairdressers, restaurants, beauty therapy, builders, etc. If you don’t have anything to show off then don’t waste the effort of the page (e.g. Don’t just randomly put photos of staff messing about in the office, that’s what social media is for).

In terms of SEO then this is right up there with the FAQ page. If you have enough information to blog regularly then do this. If not, it will look empty, look like you are not updating your website and look absent. Read more about blogging.
So these are the pages you should at least have on your small business website. Have a different opinion? Let us know in the comments.
The Marketing Shack is a marketing company that specialises in online marketing. The information provided is correct on the date of publishing.