How Does Google Search Work?

How Does Google Search Work? - The Marketing Shack - Digital Marketing Paradise

Overview of Google search

You know what they say: “Google it!” It’s the go-to phrase for anyone looking to find answers to their burning questions. From the latest celebrity gossip to instructions on how to unclog a toilet, Google search has got your back. But have you ever stopped to wonder how this magical search engine actually works? Strap in, folks, because we’re about to take a wild ride through the world of Google search.

First things first: let’s talk about just how big Google is. According to recent statistics, there are over 5.6 billion searches conducted every single day on the platform. That’s right – BILLION with a B.

Crawling and Indexing: How Google finds websites

Crawling and indexing are not just fancy jargon that Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) experts throw around to impress their clients. These terms describe how Google finds websites on the internet, and it’s a fascinating process. In fact, it’s like watching your grandparents try to figure out how to use a computer.

Let’s start with crawling. This is when Google sends out its army of robots, also called spiders or bots, to explore the vast expanse of the internet. They follow links from one page to another and collect information about each page they visit. It’s like a game of spider tag where every web leads to another web until they’ve covered everything in their path.

Once the robots have gathered all this information, they bring it back home to be indexed by Google. Indexing is when Google takes all the data collected by the spiders and organises it into an easily searchable database for users.

But before bots and spiders can crawl and index your website, you need to verify it with Google Search Console. It’s like giving them the key to your house so they can start going through your drawers and cupboards.

Once your website is verified, Google crawls through it and analyses everything from the content to the links within it.

Algorithm: Sorting and ranking search results

Ah, algorithms. The very word is enough to make most people’s eyes glaze over. And yet, these complex mathematical formulas are what determines the order in which search results are presented to us on Google.

Sure, we all know that SEO is important for businesses looking to rank higher on Google. But did you know that there are hundreds of factors that Google’s algorithm takes into account when sorting and ranking search results? From the relevance of your keywords to the length of your content, from the number of backlinks you have to the loading speed of your website – it’s enough to make your head spin.

But, with a little bit of research and some trial and error, even those who aren’t mathematically inclined can improve their SEO game.

Keywords: Importance in Google search

Keywords are the bread and butter of SEO. They’re like the secret code that tells Google what your website is all about. So, if you’re trying to sell old Barbie dolls online but your website doesn’t have any keywords related to Barbie dolls, then don’t be surprised if nobody visits your site.

Now, let’s talk about how Google uses these keywords to rank websites in its search results. It’s similar to a popularity contest – the more popular your website is (in terms of traffic and relevance), the higher you’ll rank on Google.

Personalisation: Customising search results for users

Have you ever wondered how Google manages to show you exactly what you’re looking for every time? Well, it’s not magic (although sometimes it feels like it). The answer is a little something called personalisation. Yes, that’s right – Google has been stalking you and learning all about your search habits.

But wait, before you start panicking and covering your webcam with tape, let me explain. Personalisation is simply the process of customising search results for individual users based on their previous searches, location (thanks to your IP address), language preferences, and even your Google account information (if you’re signed in). And if that wasn’t enough to make you feel spied on, Google also uses cookies to track your online activity and tailor search results accordingly. So basically, Google knows more about us than our own mothers.

Mobile-first indexing: Impact on search results

One factor that has been recently emphasised is mobile-first indexing. With nearly 50% of searches being conducted on mobile devices, Google now prioritises websites that are optimised for mobile viewing. So if your website looks like it was designed in the Stone Age and doesn’t adjust well to different screen sizes, then you’re going to be lower on the search results list than someone who knows how to work their SEO magic.

Conclusion: The complex process behind Google search

Google search crawling and indexing is not as simple as typing in a query and magically getting relevant results. It’s a complex process involving algorithms, keywords, personalisation, and mobile-first indexing. But hey, if you’re feeling overwhelmed by all this technical jargon, just remember that at the end of the day, it’s still just a bunch of robots trying to make sense of our messy human language. So next time you search for something on Google, take a moment to appreciate the hardworking crawlers and indexers behind the scenes. And who knows, maybe one day they’ll even develop a sense of humour to match our own. Keep searching!

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